My latest artpiece.

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Asalam Walaikum,

I just wanted to share my latest canvas painting with all the readers. I feel like I'm improving on my sunset sky blending. Before I would only use red and orange, but I have kind of learned how to blend in some other colors like black, blue, and purple. Personally I like how it turned out, I may even do a bigger version for my living room. I'm pretty excited about that.
I would love to start selling some of my paintings but just don't know how to get started, I'm sure I will figure something out. I have heard of a website where you can have your own little paintings shop among a whole bunch of other artists but I have forgotten the name. If anyone knows please do let me know. So anyways here is a picture of my painting, it is a painting of a man making Dua out in the desert by a mosque at sunset. I find this painting has a powerful message and gives me a feeling of serenity. Hope you all like it:)

Here is another recent painting of mine:

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Fatima said...

Masha'Allah that sunset is absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

wow! Its rlly nyc ! thakx 4 follwoing ma blog btw .x

The best wy to start seelig things is on ebay.Not by setting up a buissness website.Look at other prices and see what would bes the best for your paintings.If your stuff sells,make a website and sell.And you can even set up a site on blogspot to sell stuff on ,thats what some peoaple do.But most importantly-advertise well

sana said...

omg, mashallah these painting are gorgeous!!!! i love the man making duaa in the sunset. absolutely beauuuutiful. i love the silhouette and especially the colors you used in that one. keep up the good work!! you're totally inspiring me!!

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